Kindergarteners Complete ‘Book Tasting’ Activity

Mrs. Vovaris’ kindergarten students at Level Green Elementary School enjoyed a ‘Book Tasting’ organized by Student Learning Assistant, Mrs. Melinda Olive.  The activity enabled students to ‘sample’ various texts and then rate them in the fashion of a restaurant critic. 

Mrs. Olive created a restaurant atmosphere in the classroom, complete with table covers, placemats, centerpieces, menus, and dining music.  She set each table with a sampling of books which were organized by genre, fiction and nonfiction.  The students read excerpts from books on each table as they rotated around the restaurant.  As they reviewed the stories, they filled out a menu by completing a 5 star rating and noted their desire to read the book or not.  “What a fun way to get kids excited about reading!” commented Mrs. Vovaris.


Mrs. Melinda Olive and Louie Humberston

Mrs. Melinda Olive and Louie Humberston


Clara Briscoe

Clara Briscoe


Haidynn Dulemba, Ryann Dulemba and Aubrey Carter

Haidynn Dulemba, Ryann Dulemba and Aubrey Carter


Carter Capets and Wyatt Johnston

Carter Capets and Wyatt Johnston