Level Green Elementary in the Penn-Trafford School District held a Spring Book Club on March 13, providing students with an engaging opportunity to explore literature beyond the classroom. The event featured guided discussions, creative projects, and interactive activities designed to enhance comprehension and encourage a love of reading.
Each grade level participated in a book-specific activity tailored to their reading selection. Kindergarten students read Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type and created a cow-themed craft. First-grade students read The Little Butterfly That Could and followed magnetic butterflies around the school to learn about different animals. Second and third grades read March Mischief and took part in a gold coin scavenger hunt through the halls. Fourth and fifth grades read Cam Jansen and the Chocolate Fudge Mystery and engaged in a mystery-solving activity centered around the disappearance of their principal, Mr. Swartz.
The event was an educational and enjoyable experience for all participants.
Mila Grills, Josie Fawcett, Charlie Sementuh, Lilly Sementuh, Layla Carter, Kayla Carter and Aubrey Carter enjoy books and pizza
4th-grader Quincy Grills (far left) solves the mystery of the missing principal
Third graders Juliet Briscoe and Molly Pavlovic race to find the most gold coins
3rd-graders Joey Kubany and Hailey Crawley collect gold coins
1st-graders Josie Fawcett and Kayla Carter use their magnetic butterflies