Students Learn Calm Down Techniques (12-8-22) Kerestes builds her classroom library with new social-emotional books
Penn-Trafford Names December “Students of the Month” (12-7-22) Students were recognized at December 5 School Board Meeting
Anonymous Donor Gives $75,000 to Penn-Trafford Schools (12-5-22) The donor makes an incredible impact on Penn-Trafford
Fall Fauv Trees Adorn Elementary Schools (11-27-22) Matisse-inspired artwork on display at Harrison Park and Level Green
Penn-Trafford Students Attend “You’ve Got A Friend Day” (11-1-22) Twin Lakes Park hosts children from across Westmoreland County
Schools Teach Drug Awareness During “Red Ribbon Week” (11-1-22) During the week of October 24, PT schools focused on spreading awareness of the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse