Students Observe Hatching Chicks (6-8-22) Level Green 1st-graders enjoyed watching the eggs develop and the chicks hatch
Exotic Animals Visit Level Green Elementary School (4-26-22) 'Wild World of Animals' assembly featured a sloth, a python, and more!
Penn-Trafford Welcomes Rising Kindergarteners (4-11-22) 'Kindergarten Kickoff' events were held at each elementary building
Students Celebrate Spring With An Ice-Cold Treat (4-21-22) Level Green Elementary P.T.O. treats the school to slushies!
Penn-Trafford Names April “Students of the Month” (4-5-22) Students were recognized at the April 4th School Board Meeting
Crafting Club Provides Great Fun in Level Green (3-25-22) Big thanks to Mrs. Adasczik and Miss McNamara for organizing this amazing club!
Student Art Is Larger Than Life (3-24-22) Level Green students learn scraffito technique to create an enormous work of art
D.A.R.E. Winners Go Bowling (3-14-22) Thank you to Officer Meyers for teaching our students to be drug-free!