Student Inventors Take on Hershey (3-2-22) Our clever elementary and middle school students did a great job at the state competition!
Mystery Readers Enthrall Students (2-25-22) Kindergarteners at Level Green Elementary LOVE the guest appearances during class!
Kindergarteners Discuss Friendship (2-21-22) Level Green school counselor, Mrs. Zona, teaches a lesson on how to be a good friend
Grant Supports Reading Classroom at Level Green (2-9-22) New stools, cushions, and clipboards make small-group work more comfortable
Students Attend Invention Convention (2-7-22) Students competed individually and as teams to showcase their great ideas
First-Graders Enjoy New Classroom Library (2-4-22) Mrs. Shogan's class at Level Green LOVES their new books!
100th Day of School! (1-28-22) January 27th marked the 100th day of the 2021-2022 school year. Check out this photo album of our students and staff getting into the spirit!